Blog | Candy's Cupcakes

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Blog | Candy's Cupcakes

  • 2020 hasn’t been all that bad…

    The terms COVID19, Lockdown, quarantine, unprecedented, tiers (that aren’t cake related) social distancing and isolation are all new to our vocabulary thanks to the year 2020!

    Quite frankly we can’t wait until 2020 has been a distant memory and we can all return to ‘normality’ whatever that may be.

  • Fame, Fortune, Fun & The Black Eyed Peas Cake

    In most businesses these are the key to happiness and success, and recently I was given an opportunity to tick at least two of these boxes!

    As a cake decorator it is inevitable that you get approached by companies to make orders that offer ‘exposure’, based on their profile and audience numbers.

    It is up to you as a business owner to decide whether you want to take that risk. Also, if you can afford the time, resources and materials in return.

    It is also worth keeping in mind the ‘Fame, Fortune or Fun’ motto. Please note, this can also be applied to day-to-day order enquires.

  • Branded Corporate Cupcakes

    Having set up initially as a ‘cupcake’ only business back in 2013 I began to take the business in a different direction as I expanded my portfolio. I now offer wedding cakes, tiered birthday cakes, cookies and cake pops!
  • Stacking a Three Tiered Cake

    Stacking a tiered cake is an important step for making wedding cakes. Once you’ve mastered the basics then you can be stacking multiple tiered cakes with ease.
  • How to Make a Pug Cupcake

    Pug cupcakes are a growing trend at the moment and they look really cute as a cupcake topper.

    Watch how I’ve created a Pug cupcake topper step-by-step.

  • How to make a Rose using Modelling Paste

    I love making roses. They are perfect for wedding cakes, anniversary cakes and birthday cakes. They take a little time to create but they are worth it when you see the finished rose.

    Watch how I create roses in this step-by-step tutorial.

  • Charity Starts at Candy’s Cupcakes

    If you make cakes, good, tasty cakes then you may find that others make a beeline for you to make them for charity events and fundraisers. As much as cake decorators, like most human beings, would love to be able to donate products to every charity letter, email or message received, it isn’t always possible for a number of reasons.
  • Wedding Exhibition

    This September I attended my first wedding exhibition in the Greater Manchester area. After building up my wedding cake portfolio and creating several dummy cakes, I’ve decided that it’s time to sign-up to a few wedding exhibitions in my target areas.
  • Cake Presentation Tips

    Like many of us I follow a number of cake related companies on social media sites and forums. Not only do other companies showcase fantastic work and inspire us, they also highlight a couple of bug bears that can be easily avoided. These are; not covering cake boards and taking poor quality images of work.

    Read my tips on how to complete your cakes and take great photos that will make people like and share your work.

  • How to Make a Giant Cupcake

    Candy’s Cupcakes began with baking and decorating cupcakes and giant cupcakes. I found that I made a niche by adding various designs to a giant cupcake and enjoyed the cute look of them.

    I often get asked how I make giant cupcakes and their base. I thought I’d share with you the techniques I use.